Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ereka - Part 2

You need to understand I don't know the players.  Yet.  I've been going to practices and tryouts and shooting lots of photos but not doing interviews.  Not getting to know the players.  I know some of the ladies who have been around awhile, like Ski and Tiffany.  But not those who have joined the team this year.  Or last year.  Or the year before. 

So you're getting lots of photos and not many words. 

I have more pictures of Ereka than any other player.  And this one is the reason.  Her facial expression.  From the time she started her pass reception route her facial expressions were captivating.

Normally I set my camera on the end of the passing route, trying to capture the moment when the ball and receiver come together.  But I was so fascinated by Ereka's energy, her total involvement, her facial expressions - that I started following her through the entire pass route.  Click click click - just kept shooting at 2.5 frames per second. 

I posted a few of my Ereka pics with my last post.  I'm posting a few more today.  And someday I'll interview her and tell you more about her.

Or is an interview necessary?  Do these photos tell you who Ereka is?


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