Monday, December 5, 2011

You're on Candid Camera, Photography

Note the background isn't in perfect focus - which is just
the effect I want.  Don't know her name but she is
photogenetic isn't she.
The 200mm lens is often not enough for some of my action shots but it is almost always great for candid portraits.  If you've followed this blog for awhile you know I sometimes do a "Faces of Football" theme where I post photos of coaches and players at a game or practice.  Today's posting is a variation on that idea featuring beautiful people at the tryouts a couple weeks ago.  Most are candid - where the subject didn't know was taking the photo.  Some are from a distance - I used my photoshop softare to zoom in.  All are here because I like them.  Call it photographer's choice.
One observation on many of this shots is something I noted in my previous posting.  I'm shooting with my Nikon set for sports and action.  A cool effect that setting gives is to pin-point focus.  The main subject is in sharp focus, the background not.  Someday I'll do a posting just talking about that - it is called depth of field - and how it sometimes messes up good action photos by putting the main focus on the wrong part of the action.  For now, I'll just note it when it is apparent in a photo.

Okay, she knew I was shooting so this borders on
being posed.  I like the shot anyway. 

Coach Bobbie.  Always up, always happy.

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